Socio-Cultural Aspects Influencing Health Promotion Efforts to Obesity in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis Of Qualitative Studies


  • Edy Gunawan Universitas Indonesia
  • Dian Ayubi Universitas Indonesia



Children; Health Promotion; Obesity; Qualitative; Socio-Cultural.


Background: The high incidence of obesity also occurs in children with a prevalence that continues to increase from year to year. Local socio-cultural aspects are often the cause of obesity in children. Sometimes the promotive and preventive efforts that are carried out experience obstacles from the socio-cultural aspect.

Objectives: This study aims to synthesize research findings regarding socio-cultural aspects of health promotion efforts in the incidence of childhood obesity.

Research Metodes: The study in this study was conducted using systematic review methods and meta-synthesis studies. The data search was carried out using 3 (three) databases, namely PubMed, Science Direct, Taylor & Francis with certain keywords and the 2017-2021 research study range.

Results: There are several socio-cultural aspects related to the incidence of obesity in children, namely peers, home environment, school environment, access, and economy.

Conclusion: Socio-cultural aspects have both positive and negative influences on promotive and preventive efforts in cases of childhood obesity, therefore the socio-cultural aspects must be a serious concern in solving local specific problems.


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How to Cite

Gunawan, E., & Dian Ayubi. (2023). Socio-Cultural Aspects Influencing Health Promotion Efforts to Obesity in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis Of Qualitative Studies. KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 9(1), 94–107.


