Review Of Factor Causing Delay Return Of Medical Record In Puskesmas Demak IIII


  • Eiska Rohmania Zein Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang



keterlambatan; rekam medis; rawat jalan; puskesmas


Background: The minimum service standard for returning outpatient medical record files from the patient has received medical services until the medical record files are returned to the medical record room within 1x24 hours. Returning medical record files at Puskesmas Demak III takes more than 1x24 hours, even up to 1 week from the time the patient returns. This problem resulted in delays in providing patient medical record files.

Objectives: To identify the factors causing delay return of medical record in Puskesmas Demak III.

Research Metodes: The identification methods used were observation and interview methods. Observations were made on the data sources collected, either primary data or secondary data related to the causes of delay in returning the medical record files. Interviews were conducted by researchers to officers related to delays in returning outpatient medical record files.

Results: The results showed that the factors causing the delay in returning medical records were the absence of SOP for returning medical records, the officers who were less competent because they did not have a D3 Medical Record educational background.

Conclusion: Puskesmas need to make policies and SOP’s regarding the return of medical records and add medical record staff, conduct training for officers.

Keywords: delay; medical record;, outpatient; puskesmas


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How to Cite

Eiska Rohmania Zein. (2023). Review Of Factor Causing Delay Return Of Medical Record In Puskesmas Demak IIII. KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 9(1), 49–56.


