Analysis of Factors Associated with Prevention of Hiv&Aids Transmission Behavior in Men with Male Sex (MSM) in Indonesia in 2019


  • Noer Fatonah Fatonah Public health
  • Dwi Handayani Universitas NU Surabaya



Ecological studies, HIV&AIDS, MSM


Background: Male Sex Men (MSM) are one of the high-risk groups for contracting HIV&AIDS due to anal and oral sexual behavior. Based on SIHA 2019 data, MSM is the  highest risk  factor for HIV and AIDS cases (19%).

Research Metodes: The purpose of this study was to identify behavior factors that prevent HIV and AIDS infection in Male Sex Men in Indonesia (MSM).

 Results: This type of This type of research is non reactive with an ecological study research design with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study is the entire area that became the 2018-2019 IBBS survey consisting of 24 regencies/cities in Indonesia using the specified total population sample. The data obtained were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis.

Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is there is a strong relationship between predisposing factors (age and knowledge), and driving factors (peer support) with the behavior of preventing HIV&AIDS transmission among MSM in Indonesia


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Author Biography

Noer Fatonah Fatonah, Public health

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Kesehatan Masuarakat, EpidemiologiFOTO_FATONAH.JPG


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How to Cite

Fatonah, N. F., & Handayani, D. . (2022). Analysis of Factors Associated with Prevention of Hiv&Aids Transmission Behavior in Men with Male Sex (MSM) in Indonesia in 2019. KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 8(2), 178–184.


