Behavior Analysis of Women Sexual Workers in Prevention and Searching For Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections in The Working Area of Sub Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda


  • lies Permana Mulawarman University
  • kartina Wulandari Widya Gama Mahakam University
  • Laras Santi Widya Gama Mahakam University



Behaviour, FSW, STI, Medical Search


STI is a contagious disease that often occurs in risk groups such as FSWs in the Solong area, the working area of Samarinda’s Temindung Help Center.

This study aims to determine the behavior of women sex workers in the prevention and search for treatment of sexually transmitted infections in the working area of Temindung Helping Health Center 2019. The purpose of this study is to find out the knowledge, attitudes and actions of FSWs in prevention and search for treatment in the work area of Temindung Helping Health Centers.

The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach through interview, observation and documentation techniques with 6 research informants

WPS understanding of STI is more focused on general symptoms such as itching without knowing the type of STI and other specific characteristics. The attitude of WPS shows that it supports that agreeing STI must be prevented and treated appropriately and quickly while actions to prevent STI are still lacking which is indicated by not using condoms when serving customers. Efforts to search for STI treatment on WPS immediately seek medical treatment routinely to Health Care Workers and some use general medicine (Amoxicilin)

It is recommended to be given counseling individually and counseling, especially at the time of treatment.


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How to Cite

lies Permana, kartina Wulandari, & Santi, . L. . (2021). Behavior Analysis of Women Sexual Workers in Prevention and Searching For Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections in The Working Area of Sub Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda . KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 7(2), 220–230.




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