Relationship between Body Mask Index (BMI) and Titer C-Reactive Protein in Women


  • Hari Saktiningsih Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
  • Sulasmi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
  • Mastuti Widi Lestari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional



Body Mass Index (BMI), C-Reactive Protein., Women




The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is certainly likely to increase with the increasing prevalence of obesity. A reliable indicator and easy-to-use for measuring body fat is body mass index (BMI), in the state of obesity there is a disruption of adiposity balance that is released and as an early marker of inflammation and triggers the formation of C-Reactive protein in the liver.


The goal of the study was to analyze the relationship between BMI and Titer C-Reactive Protein in women..

Research Metodes:

This study is an observational analytical study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was women aged 25-65 years. A total of 39 samples were conducted in quota sampling. The data was analyzed with Kendal's tau non parametric test.


The results of the study obtained a value of significance or Sig. (2-tailed) 0.908 > 0.05, This result states that there is no relationship between body mass index and titer C-Reactive protein. Correlation coefficient value is -0.015, express a very weak linear relationship. Negative values indicate the opposite direction of the relationship, where the higher the BMI, the lower the C-Reactive protein titer.


Statistical test results obtained a value of p (0.908) > α (0.05), it states that no significant association between BMI and Titer C-Reactive Protein in women



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How to Cite

Hari Saktiningsih, Sulasmi, & Lestari, M. W. . (2021). Relationship between Body Mask Index (BMI) and Titer C-Reactive Protein in Women. KESMAS UWIGAMA: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 7(2), 208–212.


